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2016-01-24 Weekly Review

24 January, 2016


Start: 2016-01-18 Monday

End: 2016-01-24 Sunday

Wrap-up: 负能量爆表,意志力垮台。做事情毫无动力,看了好几天电视剧。

1. 每个 Tag 下任务的完成情况

Tag Success Failed Total Score
Myself 39 10 49 79
Learning 24 6 30 80
Family 12 8 20 60
God 8 7 15 53
Others 4 0 4 100
Church 2 1 5 40

2. 每日循环任务的完成情况

Routine Success Failed Total Score
Bowel 7 0 7 100
Eat Slowly 7 0 7 100
Drink a cup of water in the morning 7 0 7 100
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 7 0 7 100
Pray 5 2 7 71
The Five Love Languages: Love actions / 看孩子 / 晾衣服 / 洗衣服 5 2 7 71
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 5 2 7 71
Eat fish oil 5 2 7 71
Review Anki Flashcard: English 5 2 7 71
Organise evernote notes 5 2 7 71
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 4 3 7 57
Study Bible or Related book. 3 4 7 42
The Five Love Languages: Love words 3 4 7 42
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2 5 7 28
Weekly review self performance and make plan 1 0 1 100
Call Uncle 1 0 1 100
Call Parents 0 1 1 0
Collect others pray Items to my Evernote 0 1 1 0
Call Grandpa and Grandma 0 1 1 0
Equip Course: Upload Voice Record 0 0 1 0
Have lunch with brothers, discuss marriage 0 0 1 0

3. 每个 tag 的任务明细

3.1 God

Comments: 本周没有规律的灵修,感觉很糟糕。下周

Title Start End Completed
Collect others pray Items to my Evernote 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 No
Pray 2016-01-19 2016-01-20 No
Pray 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 No
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 No
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-19 2016-01-20 No
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 No
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 No
Pray 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Pray 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
Pray 2016-01-21 2016-01-21 Yes
Pray 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Pray 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 Yes
Study Bible or Related book. 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes

3.2 Myself

Comments: 下周增加一项自律的内容:晚餐不再吃肉。

Title Start End Completed
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 No
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 No
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-21 2016-01-21 No
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 No
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 No
Eat fish oil 2016-01-19 2016-01-20 No
Eat fish oil 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 No
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 / 今天游泳了,吃了好多 / 一个半馒… 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 No
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 / 吃的全家,真难吃啊 2016-01-19 2016-01-20 No
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 / 吃的酸菜鱼 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 No
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Aerobic Exercise 45 min 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-21 2016-01-21 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-23 2016-01-23 Yes
Bowel 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-21 2016-01-21 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 Yes
Drink a cup of water at afternoon 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-20 2016-01-20 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-21 2016-01-21 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-23 2016-01-23 Yes
Drink a cup of water in the morning 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 Yes
Eat Slowly 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
Eat fish oil 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Eat fish oil 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
Eat fish oil 2016-01-21 2016-01-21 Yes
Eat fish oil 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Eat fish oil 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 Yes
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 Yes
[Night] 晚饭不吃油腻,不吃肥肉,主食减量 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes

3.3 Family

Title Start End Completed
Call Grandpa and Grandma 2016-01-22 2016-01-24 No
Call Parents 2016-01-22 2016-01-24 No
The Five Love Languages: Love actions 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 No
The Five Love Languages: Love actions 2016-01-19 2016-01-20 No
The Five Love Languages: Love words 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 No
The Five Love Languages: Love words 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 No
The Five Love Languages: Love words 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 No
The Five Love Languages: Love words / 最近没在妻子身上没怎么花时间 2016-01-19 2016-01-20 No
Call Uncle 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love actions / 买冰糖葫芦 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love actions / 晾衣服 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love actions / 欢欢喜喜帮妻子回家拿 U 盘 2016-01-20 2016-01-20 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love actions / 看孩子 / 晾衣服 / 洗衣服 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love actions / 给媳妇买蛋挞 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love words 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love words 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 Yes
The Five Love Languages: Love words 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
给叔叔购买踏步器 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
继续咨询一下医生:我叔叔的病情如何? 2016-01-22 2016-01-24 Yes

3.4 Learning

Comments: 又学了一堆杂乱的东西。

Title Start End Completed
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 No
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 No
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 No
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 No
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-23 2016-01-24 No
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 No
Insert O(1) O(n) O(log(n)) into Anki Flashcard 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Insert Ruby#inject to Anki 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-20 2016-01-20 Yes
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 Yes
Organise evernote notes 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Prepare sharing in Team 1 hour/ Sharing 0.5 hour 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-20 2016-01-21 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: English 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-20 2016-01-20 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 Yes
Review Anki Flashcard: Quiet 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
Weekly review self performance and make plan 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes
修改 Anki 插件,添加 CSS 样式,让 Anki 的表格更漂亮一些 2016-01-22 2016-01-22 Yes
写文章:不愿理睬的邮件 2016-01-20 2016-01-20 Yes
否定疑问句的回答方式整理到 Anki 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
英文如何表达:成功组织了多次聚会 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
英文如何表达:我想为你买一杯咖啡 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes

3.5 Work


3.6 Church

Comments: 要和一个性格差异很大的姐妹参与职场服侍,感觉不太享受服侍的过程。

Title Start End Completed
Equip Course: Upload Voice Record 2016-01-23   No
Have lunch with brothers, discuss marriage 2016-01-19   NO
Collect others pray Items to my Evernote 2016-01-21 2016-01-22 No
回复小蓝:你怎么评价我的恩赐? 30 mins 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
把不穿的婴儿衣服送给 一鸣和Kiko 2016-01-24 2016-01-24 Yes

3.7 Others


Title Start End Completed
续费 2016-01-20 2016-01-20 Yes
退货:购买的耳塞太硬 2016-01-18 2016-01-20 Yes
领取港澳通行证 2016-01-18 2016-01-19 Yes
看《海贼王》 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Yes
看《海贼王》 2016-01-19 2016-01-19 Yes


  1. 该报告由脚本自动生成,详细教程请参考 GTD Review: 如何使用脚本自动生成 Things 的每周报表?

  2. 脚本已经开源在 Github gist,请根据自己的需求改装。

  3. Anki 是间隔记忆工具,可以大幅缩短记忆知识的时间。 Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it’s a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.

  4. The Five Love Languages 中文书名为 《爱的五种语言》,是符合圣经教导的婚姻指导书籍。里面将爱的付出划分为:肯定的言语、精心的时刻、接受礼物、服务的行动、身体的接触。

  5. Evernote 是笔记管理工具,用于梳理知识。 有价值的知识消化完毕后制作成 Flashcard,纳入到间隔记忆工具;没价值的知识直接丢弃掉。


  1. 阅读完《习惯的力量》,这本书只是本科普书籍,或许能引出一些有趣的心理学概念。(done)

  2. 顺便阅读其他探讨自制力的文章,最好有深度总结的,不仅仅是科普书籍。(在开智群的聊天记录中找到了一些有趣的内容,done)

  3. 完成 K & R 《C Programming》 1.1 - 1.7 的学习,每天一节(done. 完成了一半)

  4. 强化自律:恢复每天锻炼的习惯,防止自己的自制力垮台导致更严重的后果。(canceled. 膝盖又受伤了,我去!)

  5. 强化自律:更严格的饮食计划:不吃糖、不和含糖饮料、晚餐不吃高脂食物、晚餐不吃肉。(done)